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Hillwood Sharks Football Club

Hillwood Sharks

2023 Sharks Golf Open

The Hillwood Sharks held our inagural Golf open day on Sunday 5th February at the Tam O'Shanter Golf Club.

The event was a handicapped two player ambrose over 18 holes. We had an excellent turn out with 30 players rocking up with the aim to get their name on the trophy.

In the end it was Zac Camplin and Dylan Kingston who came out winners finishing their round on par and -9 shots on handicap.

The Longest drive was won by Toby Upson with a monster drive on the 9th hole.

The Longest putt was won by Dylan Kingston

Nearest the pins were Jacob Boyd, Dylan Kingston and Mack Blazely.

Above: 2023 Shark Open winners Zac Camplin and Dylan Kinsgton




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