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Hillwood Sharks Football Club

Hillwood Sharks

Shark Bites | Nadia Hyde

Updated: May 13, 2022

An Interview with: Nadia Hyde

Earliest memory: In a hot tub in QLD getting my hair platted as a 2 year old At School I: Always won the cross country

Most treasured possession is: My teddy bear chook My Father always told me: Weeing on the lemon tree is good for lemons

I wish I had: The body I had when I was 20.

I wish I hadn’t: Smashed my leg riding my dirt bike

My Mother always told me: Not to swear

Friends say I am: funny and loyal

When I was a Kid: I spent every waking moment at the beach

Greatest fear: Spiders

Worst Job: Folding the washing

If only I could: Find myself a rich strong millionaire

Hardest thing I’ve ever done: Say goodbye to my Pop

Apart from Football I really enjoy: Spending time with friends and family

What I don’t find amusing: Women or men that spit

If I wasn’t me I’d be: A cat of a Kardashian



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