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Hillwood Sharks Football Club

Hillwood Sharks

Shark Bites | Craig Rigby

An Interview with: Craig Rigby

Earliest memory: Stealing the balls from the Kings Meadows golfers when they hit them into our back yard at Punchbowl

At School I: Wish had of done more

Most treasured possession is: My Taylor Made Driver

My Father always told me: Save your money

I wish I had: More money – should have listened to Dad

I wish I hadn’t: Left the army

My Mother always told me: Don’t speed

Friends say I am: Honest and reliable

When I was a Kid: I was shy. I liked being outdoors. Rabbit shooting and hunting.

Greatest fear: Dying too soon

Worst Job: Making black pudding. I was a butcher for 25 years

If only I could: Sing or play an instrument

Hardest thing I’ve ever done: Going back to school at 46 and doing my electrical apprenticeship

Apart from Football I really enjoy: Golf and camping

What I don’t find amusing: People being nasty to women

If I wasn’t me I’d be: A rock star



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